Constitution for Scotland Public Consultation Hub

Public consultation process

Article X

Section X3. Following any referendum favouring Scottish Independence the incumbent administration will continue in office for a maximum of fifteen months and will refrain from conducting any irrevocable negotiations with any other government. It will also initiate the process of a General Election to be held at the end of this term to elect a new government constitutionally mandated to negotiate the terms of withdrawal from the United Kingdom.

Proposed Amendments to Section

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Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.

Original Version

  • Admin/Main
    Admin/Main  •  Author  •  2022-02-03 14:44:36

    Section X3.

    Section X3. Following any referendum favouring Scottish Independence the incumbent administration will continue in office for a maximum of fifteen months and will refrain from conducting any irrevocable negotiations with any other government. It will also initiate the process of a General Election to be held at the end of this term to elect a new government constitutionally mandated to negotiate the terms of withdrawal from the United Kingdom.

Proposed Amendment to Section X3.

  • Voxpop

    Why 15 months?

    Section X3. Following any referendum favouring Scottish Independence the incumbent administration will continue in office for a maximum of six months and will refrain from conducting any irrevocable negotiations with any other government. It will also initiate a General Election to form an entirely new government of National Unity constitutionally mandated to negotiate the terms of withdrawal from the United Kingdom.

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