Section 8.1. The focus for the Government will be to achieve an economic environment to deliver and sustain a sound economy. The development of the nation’s wellbeing and happiness will be given preference over solely boosting General Domestic Product (GDP).
Please scrutinise all the proposed amendments and replies before commenting or voting. Short comments are most often read and must not exceed 100 words. You can propose an Amendment at the bottom of this page - please read the guidelines .
Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.
Section 8.1. Section 8.1. The focus for the Government will be to achieve an economic environment to deliver and sustain a sound economy. The development of the nation’s wellbeing and happiness will be given preference over solely boosting General Domestic Product (GDP).
Section 8.1. Article 8 is necessarily confined to broad principles of Monetary Policy. These are addressed in greater detail in various texts but a brief outline & references may be found in the extracts at and scroll down to Chapter 14
Section 8.1. a better reference would be the Scottish Reserve Bank website . The whole issue of the Scottish currency and the powers of a sovereign government operating as a "currency issuer" is the other critical issue for Scottish independence, alongside the Constitution. In my opinion "Moving On" is based on a flawed analysis of money and banking.
Section 8.1. Section 8.1 The Government should ensure that the economy is sustainable for the long term and functions in the interest of all citizens and other resident people. [I don't think it is appropriate to specify what you are going to measure or how you will measure it. ]
Section 8.1. Section 8.1. The primary focus of Economic and Financial policies shall be the wellbeing of all Citizens delivered within a mixed free enterprise economy incentivised by considerations of social and environmental benefit equally with private profit. These principles will be secured by way of appropriate Government Monetary Policy, Regulation and Taxation all administered to the highest possible ethical and moral standards.
Section 8.1. Consider deleting words like "primary focus" (unnnecessary verbage) and "mixed free enterprise" - these words personal, debatable, unnecessary and will "date". Delete "equally" as that is an impossible calculation. Delete "possible" : pursuit of excellence is not to be compromised
Section 8.1. The economic and financial focus of government will be the commonweal of all Citizens. Parliament will determine monetary and economic policy to stimulate an ethical mixed free enterprise economy. This will be matched to Public Investment to make financially possible whatsoever is socially desirable and physically possible. Click to go to New 8.2.
Section 8.1. The whole of Article 8 is too detailed. So this is one of five Proposed Amendments all headlined NEW ARTICLE 8 and with active links to one another. Here at 8.1 we assert the principle that the people expect their Parliament to observe when organising the physical and human resources of the Nation, efficiently and for the benefit of all – not just the fortunate few. The other Sections give some more shape to these broad principles
Section 8.1. Section 8.1. The primary focus of Economic and Financial Policies shall be the well-being of all citizens within a free market economy as a result of being able to make their own private gains & profits with the fruits of their labour in order to help sustain a sound economy based on sound monetary policy by way of a Gold Standard or Bitcoin Standard.
Section 8.1. How would the new government obtain a credible amount of gold to back its new currency and even if it could, it would be the only country in the world to revert to a gold standard… no one has as yet explained how blockchain technology might be used to underwrite a National currency
Proposed Amendments to Section
Please scrutinise all the proposed amendments and replies before commenting or voting. Short comments are most often read and must not exceed 100 words.
You can propose an Amendment at the bottom of this page - please read the guidelines .
Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.
Original Version
Section 8.1. Section 8.1. The focus for the Government will be to achieve an economic environment to deliver and sustain a sound economy. The development of the nation’s wellbeing and happiness will be given preference over solely boosting General Domestic Product (GDP).
Section 8.1. Article 8 is necessarily confined to broad principles of Monetary Policy. These are addressed in greater detail in various texts but a brief outline & references may be found in the extracts at
and scroll down to Chapter 14
Section 8.1. a better reference would be the Scottish Reserve Bank website . The whole issue of the Scottish currency and the powers of a sovereign government operating as a "currency issuer" is the other critical issue for Scottish independence, alongside the Constitution. In my opinion "Moving On" is based on a flawed analysis of money and banking.
Section 8.1. Section 8.1 The Government should ensure that the economy is sustainable for the long term and functions in the interest of all citizens and other resident people. [I don't think it is appropriate to specify what you are going to measure or how you will measure it. ]
Section 8.1. Agreed.
Proposed Amendment to Section 8.1.
Focus of Economic policies should be wellbeing
Section 8.1. Section 8.1. The primary focus of Economic and Financial policies shall be the wellbeing of all Citizens delivered within a mixed free enterprise economy incentivised by considerations of social and environmental benefit equally with private profit. These principles will be secured by way of appropriate Government Monetary Policy, Regulation and Taxation all administered to the highest possible ethical and moral standards.
Section 8.1. Consider deleting words like "primary focus" (unnnecessary verbage) and "mixed free enterprise" - these words personal, debatable, unnecessary and will "date". Delete "equally" as that is an impossible calculation. Delete "possible" : pursuit of excellence is not to be compromised
Proposed Amendment to Section 8.1.
NEW ARTICLE 8 - Purpose
Section 8.1. The economic and financial focus of government will be the commonweal of all Citizens. Parliament will determine monetary and economic policy to stimulate an ethical mixed free enterprise economy. This will be matched to Public Investment to make financially possible whatsoever is socially desirable and physically possible. Click to go to New 8.2.
Section 8.1. The whole of Article 8 is too detailed. So this is one of five Proposed Amendments all headlined NEW ARTICLE 8 and with active links to one another. Here at 8.1 we assert the principle that the people expect their Parliament to observe when organising the physical and human resources of the Nation, efficiently and for the benefit of all – not just the fortunate few. The other Sections give some more shape to these broad principles
Proposed Amendment to Section 8.1.
Proposed Amendment to Section 8.1.
Section 8.1. Section 8.1. The primary focus of Economic and Financial Policies shall be the well-being of all citizens within a free market economy as a result of being able to make their own private gains & profits with the fruits of their labour in order to help sustain a sound economy based on sound monetary policy by way of a Gold Standard or Bitcoin Standard.
Section 8.1. How would the new government obtain a credible amount of gold to back its new currency and even if it could, it would be the only country in the world to revert to a gold standard… no one has as yet explained how blockchain technology might be used to underwrite a National currency