Constitution for Scotland Public Consultation Hub

Section 8.1. The focus for the Government will be to achieve an economic environment to deliver and sustain a sound economy. The development of the nation’s wellbeing and happiness will be given preference over solely boosting General Domestic Product (GDP).

Proposed Amendments to Section

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Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.

Original Version

Proposed Amendment to Section 8.1.

  • LouMCowan

    Focus of Economic policies should be wellbeing

    Section 8.1. Section 8.1. The primary focus of Economic and Financial policies shall be the wellbeing of all Citizens delivered within a mixed free enterprise economy incentivised by considerations of social and environmental benefit equally with private profit. These principles will be secured by way of appropriate Government Monetary Policy, Regulation and Taxation all administered to the highest possible ethical and moral standards.

Proposed Amendment to Section 8.1.

  • Arfem

    NEW ARTICLE 8 - Purpose

    Section 8.1. The economic and financial focus of government will be the commonweal of all Citizens. Parliament will determine monetary and economic policy to stimulate an ethical mixed free enterprise economy. This will be matched to Public Investment to make financially possible whatsoever is socially desirable and physically possible. Click to go to New 8.2.

Proposed Amendment to Section 8.1.

  • JonathanR1994

    Proposed Amendment to Section 8.1.

    Section 8.1. Section 8.1. The primary focus of Economic and Financial Policies shall be the well-being of all citizens within a free market economy as a result of being able to make their own private gains & profits with the fruits of their labour in order to help sustain a sound economy based on sound monetary policy by way of a Gold Standard or Bitcoin Standard.

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