Constitution for Scotland Public Consultation Hub

Section 8.2 The National Currency of Scotland is the Scots Pound, being Constitutional Money guaranteed by the State in accordance with the Constitution.

Proposed Amendments to Section

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Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.

Original Version

  • Avatar admin
    Administrator #1  •  2020-08-16 22:37:27

    Section 8.2 Section 8.2 The National Currency of Scotland is the Scots Pound, being Constitutional Money guaranteed by the State in accordance with the Constitution.

Proposed Amendment to Section 8.2

Proposed Amendment to Section 8.2

  • Arfem

    NEW ARTICLE 8 - National Currency\

    Section 8.2 The National Currency is the Scots Pound, guaranteed by the State. It is issued exclusively by the Central Bank and in Scotland is the sole legal tender and means of payment comprising cash, digital credit or sight deposits in bank accounts. The origination or placing into circulation of any other money or money substitute shall be an act of counterfeit. Click for New 8.3

Proposed Amendment to Section 8.2

  • Jim Osborne

    Scottish Currency

    Section 8.2 Section 8.2 Section 8.2 The National Currency of Scotland is the Scots Pound, being Sovereign Money guaranteed by the State in accordance with the Constitution.

    6 votes  |  I agree 6
    No responses

Proposed Amendment to Section 8.2

  • LouMCowan

    National Currency

    Section 8.2 Section 8.2 There shall be a National Currency, issued, controlled and guaranteed by the State on behalf of the people. The name of the currency shall be determined by Parliament.

Proposed Amendment to Section 8.2

  • PererS

    Scotland shall not have an official currency

    Section 8.2 Scotland shall not have an official currency and its citizens are free to use any currency they choose.

    1 vote  |  I agree 1
    No responses

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