Constitution for Scotland Public Consultation Hub

Section 5.16. Parliament will have the authority to initiate a vote of no confidence in an individual Minister, the Scottish Government as a whole, or an individual Member of Parliament. The Parliamentary Bureau will have the authority to discipline the offender/s.

Proposed Amendments to Section

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Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.

Original Version

  • Avatar admin
    Administrator #1  •  2020-08-16 22:28:38

    Section 5.16. Section 5.16. Parliament will have the authority to initiate a vote of no confidence in an individual Minister, the Scottish Government as a whole, or an individual Member of Parliament. The Parliamentary Bureau will have the authority to discipline the offender/s.

Proposed Amendment to Section 5.16.

  • sdonald01

    Add new section 5.17

    Section 5.16. Section 5.17 Add;
    All members of parliament, shall have their voting records published annually, based on parliamentary sessions. All parliamentary members, shall be allowed to vote individually. If the vote is “whipped” this should be noted in the record.
    The parties shall provide at time of voting in the legislature, whether the vote is freely given, or whether the vote was “whipped” by their party. This shall also be published annually, based on Parlimentary sessions.

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