Constitution for Scotland Public Consultation Hub

Section 6.4. A petition signed by four per cent or more registered voters within six months, calling for a popular vote on an issue of concern, will be referred to Parliament. A Public Petitions Committee will decide on petitions submitted by individuals, community groups and organisations. If the issue or concern cannot be resolved by Parliament then it will be put to a referendum to be held within twelve months and in accordance with Article 13.4.

Proposed Amendments to Section

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Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.

Original Version

  • Avatar admin
    Administrator #1  •  2020-08-16 22:31:41

    Section 6.4. Section 6.4. A petition signed by four per cent or more registered voters within six months, calling for a popular vote on an issue of concern, will be referred to Parliament. A Public Petitions Committee will decide on petitions submitted by individuals, community groups and organisations. If the issue or concern cannot be resolved by Parliament then it will be put to a referendum to be held within twelve months and in accordance with Article 13.4.

Proposed Amendment to Section 6.4.

  • Jim Osborne

    Public Petitions

    Section 6.4. Section 6.4. Section 6.4. A petition signed by 2.5 per cent or more registered voters within six months, calling for a popular vote on an issue of concern, will be referred to Parliament. A Public Petitions Committee will decide on petitions submitted by individuals, community groups and organisations. If the issue or concern cannot be resolved by Parliament then it will be put to a referendum to be held within twelve months and in accordance with Article 13.4.

    3 votes  |  I agree 3
    No responses

Proposed Amendment to Section 6.4.

  • Henry Ferguson

    Initiate a Public Petition

    Section 6.4. Section 6.4. Section 6.4. A petition signed by two per cent or more registered voters within six months, calling for a popular vote on an issue of concern, will be referred to Parliament. A Public Petitions Committee will decide on petitions submitted by individuals, community groups and organisations. If the issue or concern cannot be resolved by Parliament to the satisfaction of the Initiative Committee then it will be put to a referendum to be held within twelve months.

    1 vote  |  I agree 1
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Proposed Amendment to Section 6.4.

  • Arfem

    A Standard Procedure for General Petitions

    Section 6.4. Section 6.4. A petition signed by 100,000 (2½% cent of registered voters within 100 days calling for a popular vote on an issue of concern, will be facilitated by the Petitions Committee of the Electoral Commission and referred to Parliament. Failing resolution the satisfaction of the Initiating Committee within a further 60 days then it will be put to a referendum to be held within six months.

    1 vote  |  I agree 1
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