Constitution for Scotland Public Consultation Hub

Section 5.8. The Head of State, on the instruction of the Presiding Officer, will sign and thus enact as law, all bills passed by Parliament.

Proposed Amendments to Section

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Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.

Original Version

  • Avatar admin
    Administrator #1  •  2020-08-20 17:43:47

    Section 5.8. Section 5.8. The Head of State, on the instruction of the Presiding Officer, will sign and thus enact as law, all bills passed by Parliament.

Proposed Amendment to Section 5.8.

  • Arfem

    To Accommodate Due Process

    Section 5.8. Other than in times of Emergency (Article 15) the Head of State shall after thirty days of instruction by the Presiding Officer, sign and thus enact all bills passed by Parliament. If within these thirty days there is formal notification of a public petition materially affecting the legislation then the enactment of the Bill will be delayed pending due process in terms of Section s 5.3, 6.4 &13.4 as amended.

    1 vote  |  I agree 1
    No responses

Proposed Amendment to Section 5.8.

  • Henry Ferguson

    People+Regions jointly control Parliament+Government

    Section 5.8. If within 100 days of the official publication of all Bills passed by Parliament, any 40,000 eligible voters or any twelve Regions formally request it, such Bill shall be submitted to a majority vote of the People prior to enactment.

Proposed Amendment to Section 5.8.

  • Roi Semo

    Veto power

    Section 5.8. The Head of State will sign and thus enact as law all bills passed by Parliament within 30 days of passage; but he or she may veto a bill during that time, by returning it to Parliament together with his or her objections.

    If Parliament affirms a vetoed bill by an absolute majority, or if the 30 days have passed without the bill being signed or veto, that bill will become law automatically.

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