Please scrutinise all the proposed amendments and replies before commenting or voting. Short comments are most often read and must not exceed 100 words. You can propose an Amendment at the bottom of this page - please read the guidelines .
Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.
Section 2.24. Universal basic income will include age-related pensions. Means-testing is an unnecessary expense. Those with higher income will pay more in tax, to offset the costs.
Section 2.24. It will be interesting to see how this develops. I believe Finland recently concluded a substantial experiment with basic income…. With the shibboleths of monetary policy being shaken (Article 8) there is growing acceptance that public spending is not limited to bank credit and fantasy “borrowing”. However, it may be a tall order to include it in a Constitution - a basic right to decent housing for all might be more achievable.
Section 2.24. We need, as part of the constitution, the eradication of poverty, especially In relation to child poverty. We have an opportunity to do the right thing for ALL our citizens let’s not squander it. Let’s produce a constitution that we can all be proud of
Proposed Amendments to Section
Please scrutinise all the proposed amendments and replies before commenting or voting. Short comments are most often read and must not exceed 100 words.
You can propose an Amendment at the bottom of this page - please read the guidelines .
Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.
Original Version
Section 2.24. Section 2.24. Every person will have a pension adequate for their well-being and dignity.
Section 2.24. Does this introduce a universal basic income, regardless of age? I presume not, so this provision will need to be refined.
Section 2.24. Is this age driven, like the state pension just now? Will it be means tested? How will it be financed?
Section 2.24. Universal basic income will include age-related pensions. Means-testing is an unnecessary expense. Those with higher income will pay more in tax, to offset the costs.
Section 2.24. It will be interesting to see how this develops. I believe Finland recently concluded a substantial experiment with basic income…. With the shibboleths of monetary policy being shaken (Article 8) there is growing acceptance that public spending is not limited to bank credit and fantasy “borrowing”. However, it may be a tall order to include it in a Constitution - a basic right to decent housing for all might be more achievable.
Section 2.24. We need, as part of the constitution, the eradication of poverty, especially In relation to child poverty. We have an opportunity to do the right thing for ALL our citizens let’s not squander it. Let’s produce a constitution that we can all be proud of