Constitution for Scotland Public Consultation Hub

Section 1.8. Parliament will enact laws to regulate the acquisition of Scottish citizenship by adoption, marriage, descent, or naturalisation, and to specify the manner in which citizenship may be lost or renounced.

Proposed Amendments to Section

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Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.

Original Version

Proposed Amendment to Section 1.8.

  • Caledonialan

    Simplification; deletion of following section

    Section 1.8. Subject to Article 2.1 to 2.3 [or whatever replaces those sections], Parliament shll enact laws to regulate the acquisition of Scottish citizenship by adoption, marriage, descent, or naturalisation, and to specify the manner in which citizenship may be lost or renounced.

      • Steve

        Section 1.8. I do not believe there should be any way for Parliament to remove the right to Scottish citizenship.
        The phrase 'may be lost' should be removed.
        If the people are sovereign then that right must not be subject to manipulation by Parliamentarians for political gain as has been the case elsewhere in the UK recently.
        The right to renounce Scottish citizenship is a separate issue.

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