Constitution for Scotland Public Consultation Hub

Section 1.2. This Constitution is the supreme and fundamental law of Scotland which holds that the founding principles of Scotland are based on Constitutional Democracy. The people are the supreme source of authority of the government which derives the right to govern from their consent.

Proposed Amendments to Section

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Note that the original wording appears again first below and sustains the same comment & voting regime as all other amendment proposals.

Original Version

  • Avatar admin
    Administrator #1  •  2020-08-20 16:53:03

    Section 1.2. Section 1.2. This Constitution is the supreme and fundamental law of Scotland which holds that the founding principles of Scotland are based on Constitutional Democracy. The people are the supreme source of authority of the government which derives the right to govern from their consent.

Proposed Amendment to Section 1.2.

  • Caledonialan

    Clarification and introduction of a constitutional authority

    Section 1.2. This Constitution is the supreme and fundamental law of Scotland. Scotland is a democracy. The legislative, judicial and executive branches of government all derive their authority from the will of the people of Scotland as expressed in this Constitution. Any dispute or uncertainty as to the interpretation of this Constitution, the compatibility with this Constitution of any legislative or executive measure, or the application of any such measure in conformity with this Constitution, shall be determined, where necessary, by a Constitutional [Court / Council / etc].

Proposed Amendment to Section 1.2.

  • Henry Ferguson

    Popular Sovereignty (Decentralised Direct Democracy)

    Section 1.2. This Constitution is the supreme and fundamental law of Scotland which holds that the founding principles of Scotland are based on Popular Sovereignty (Decentralised Direct Democracy). The People are the supreme source of authority of the government which derives the right to govern from their consent.

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